英语一 大作文
In the above picture, there is a little boy in opera costume, wearing a mask, who looks like the Monkey King Son Goku, a classic character in The Journey to the West. He is having a conversation with his father, saying, “Dad, many of my classmates think that acting in an opera is boring.” His father replies, “You like it, right? That is enough.”
The message conveyed in the picture is that young people should stick to their right choice instead of being influenced by others’ comments because people tend to choose what they like, in which they may do better. Nowadays, a proportion of young people give up their choice just because their parents or friends don’t think it is good. But as the saying goes, “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” As is known to all, people are more likely to stick to their own choice, long enough to eventually achieve success. Take the girl from Hunan province as an example. She got a high score on Gaokao, which would have made it possible for her to choose almost any popular major in a top university. But her interest is in archaeology and since childhood her dream has been to be an archeologist. So she finally chose to study archeology in university, a less popular major in the eyes of many, ignoring what other people might think about her choice.
Sticking to our right choice is a vital quality because people tend to choose what they like and they are more likely to do better in what they like. Thus, parents and teachers should promote the importance of this quality among the young. Young people should be encouraged to stick to their choice so that they can realize their dream as soon as possible.
上图中,一个小男孩穿着戏剧服饰,戴着面具,看起来像《西游记》里经典人物美猴王——孙悟空。他正和爸爸聊天,他说:“爸爸,很多同学觉得学唱戏不好玩。” 他的爸爸回答说:“你自己不是喜欢吗?那就足够了。”
图片传达的信息是年轻人应该坚持适合自己的选择,不要被别人的评价左右,因为人们通常选择的是自己喜欢的事情,这些事他们会做得更好。如今,一部分年轻人会放弃自己的选择,只是因为他们父母或朋友认为这个选择不好。但是,正如谚语所说:“萝卜白菜,各有所爱。” 众所周时,人们对于自己的选择更容易长期坚持下去,最终取得成功。以那个湖南女孩为例。她在高考中斩获高分,她的分数足以让她录取到顶尖大学的任何热门专业。但是,她对考古感兴趣,她从小的梦想是做一名考古学家。所以,她不顾他人的看法,最终选择在大学读他人眼中的冷门专业——考古学。